Sunday, April 15, 2012


Beauty is formed through the loss of perfection.
So why do you cover your face?
That pimple, that blemish, that scratch and the scar
Are charm no blush can replace.

Forget about the magazines,
They use computers and lies.
I much prefer the light of the moon
And the reflection in your eyes.

Your beauty is found in your smile.
Your grace is in your heart.
There's so much more in this world
Plus it doesn't hurt you're smart.

Embrace your idiosyncrasies.
Embrace your "faults" and "flaws."
God made you with a special plan.
Good things: you'll be the cause. 

Beauty is found in the loss of perfection,
But maybe not in your case.
For you were perfect in my eyes
Before you covered your face.


  1. I love this. A whole freakin lot. I agree. And I love this.

  2. Do you love this? Haha, thanks man. Inspiration comes at odd hours.

  3. Drip-Drop4/19/2012

    As Chad stated, this captures the opinions of many guys too timid to say it. Continue "Being Real!"
