Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Letter

Dear Son,

I love you.

I know you don't really understand right now.
I know my ways can seem difficult and unnecessary.
But I have a plan.

I desire good for you.
Not destruction.

I want to give you a future.
I want to give you hope.

I know you are wondering why it hurts.

Just remember, I love you.

I never intended this for you.
I created you to be in relationship with me.
Perfect relationship with me.

I would breathe you life.
Your breath would bring me praise.

I wanted only for you to have peace.
I was going to forever care for you:

No Ailment
No Sickness.
No pain.

I only intended good for you.
I want to show you hope.

Please remember, I love you even when you doubt my existence.

You put yourself above me.
Which placed you far below me.
There was nothing you could do on your own.

Put down these fig leaves.
Allow me to clothe you fully.

I know you feel hurt.

I want to bring you health.

I'm working through your safety nets.
I'm tearing down your walls.

You have to surrender.
But not for yourself.

You have to surrender.
But only for Me. 

You don't have to play the victim.
You have always been loved.

I'll love you forever,
Your Father in Heaven.